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Narrow Way Coffee Roasters

Ethiopia Guji Natural

Ethiopia Guji Natural

Contents - Whole Bean 100% Arabica Coffee

Product Category - Modern

Roast Level Medium
Tasting Notes Fresh Blueberries, Honeydew, Balanced
Processing Method Natural
Farm Location Guji
Cupping Score (SCA) 88.5

Dega, Kurame

Bean Grade

1 (Highest)


Story Time - Possibly a legend, but Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee. A local farmer noticed his goats jumping wildly after consuming coffee beans, so he thought it best to try himself and thus coffee was discovered. 

Brew Recommendation - This one tastes can be enjoyed in a Drip Machine, Pour Over or French Press. This coffee tends to be brighter than others in Espresso style brewing. 

4 total reviews

Regular price $19.00
Regular price Sale price $19.00
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Chef Jeff
Chef approved!

I've been a fine dining and Italian chef for 25 years and I highly recommend this coffee, definitely meets this picky Chef's standards lol!

Wendy VanderMay
Excellent coffer

Love the coffee. Not bitter and we will be ordering more. Thank you.

Ryan Thompson
Pleased Ethiopia Fans

Ethiopia was one of the first coffees I tried when I started drinking coffee. I'm always looking for a good roaster that truly captures this roast perfectly. These beans are expertly roasted and truly make all the notes come out, as coffee should ideally have. The berry and chocolate notes were wonderful. Great brew all around, highly recommend!

Janette King

I bought the decaf and it was so good. Highly recommended!!