Learn about some important aspects of coffee:

Tasting Notes

The tasting notes you see referenced with our coffees are just like notes on a fine wine. These flavors or characteristics make each bean stand apart from the others and help our customers find flavors they enjoy. Flavor notes that are unique to each coffee come mainly from how the beans are processed at the farm and how they are roasted. Another factor that plays into the tasting profile is the soil, climate, altitude, etc., where the coffee is grown.

Cupping Scores

Cupping scores are a way of grading coffee. This score provides insight into how clear and accurate (as the roaster intended) the flavor notes will be in the final product. This is largely influenced by bean grade, quality of the roast and farming practices. We generally aim for beans that get a cupping score of 86 or higher which in the world of coffee is very high-end and specialty grade!

Bean Grades

Raw coffee beans are graded based on certain criteria set for farmers and the regions that produce them in order to gauge quality. The higher the grade, (for example Grade 1 for Ethiopia or AA for Kenya) the better the flavor will represent the region. Auction lots are also a step above as they are generally high-end beans that are sold to the highest bidders.

Micro Lots

Micro lot coffees are relatively small batches of specialized beans from smaller farms and regions. These beans stand out both in quality and flavor characteristics. Micro lots are where we get most of our coffees. By doing so we can offer a more premium bean and work with specialty importers who have a close relationship with the farmers. These specialty importers are much more hands on to ensure the beans won't contain mold or mycotoxins by having strict guidelines on farming practices, processing, storage and shipping.

Processing Methods

Coffee comes from a coffee tree that has bright red cherries in which the beans are
inside of. After those cherries are harvested the farmers have various ways of processing the cherry to remove the beans. Natural process is when they leave the cherries out to dry in the sun before removing the beans and that usually yields fruity coffee notes. Washed processing is a method in which they remove the cherry by washing it away. Honey process is when they remove a good portion of the cherry but leave some of the pulp on the bean and let it dry in the sun. The result is a somewhat natural sweetness that is infused into the bean. Thermic is a very unique processing method in which they leave the cherry on the bean and warm it slightly to essentially caramelize the fruit. The flavors that come from this particular method is what makes our Costa Rica bean taste so much like chocolate covered strawberries. It’s a treat if you haven’t tried it yet!

It all matters

We have invested years into discovering the world's finest coffees. Each of our coffees have an incredible story and we love sharing them. Come learn with us, grow with us, and drink great coffee with us!

Pour Over

Grind Settings

Water Temperature

French Press